Canon IP2770: How to Download and Install Driver

Do you have a Canon IP2770 printer? If you do, you will need to download and install the driver Canon IP2770 to ensure that the printer works properly.

Don’t worry, we will tell you how to do both here. We will give you a step-by-step download and install guide so you can make the most out of the printer.

Despite its inexpensive price, the Canon IP2770 offers so many to its users. From Hi-speed USB 2.0, automatic ON/OFF switch, a compact design for easy storing to its borderless printing. It is a great home printer. To make the most out of the printer, you need to install the driver Canon IP2770.

Below, we will tell you how to download and install the driver Canon IP2770 without using the installation disc. The process is easy and quick. And the only thing required is an internet connection. Without further ado, here’s how you download and install the driver.

Download Driver Canon IP2770

download driver canon ip2770
download driver canon ip2770

Follow these steps to download the Canon IP2770 printer driver:

  1. Open your browser and go to canon website
  2. Click on the ‘Support’ tab on the right
  3. Type in ‘IP2770’ or ‘PIXMA IP2770’and click the appropriate result.
  4. Type in ‘driver’ on the textbox
  5. Select the compatible Operating System, select ‘Drivers’ on the type, select the language, and click ‘Search’
  6. A list of files will appear. Scroll down and find the driver. If you can’t find it, look at the description. The driver file will be described as ‘This file is a printer driver…’. Click it
  7. There will be a download button on the page. Check everything on this page, especially the compatible Operating Systems and Disclaimer. Then, click ‘Download’
  8. The file should be downloaded immediately

You can also download the driver this way:

  1. Open your browser and go to Canon website
  2. Click on the ‘Support’ tab on the right
  3. On the Support page, click ‘Select the kind of support you need’
  4. Click on the ‘Drivers, Softwares, & Firmwares’
  5. Select the compatible Operating System, select ‘Drivers’ on the type, and select the language
  6. Type in ‘IP2770’ on the model name textbox and click the result. Click the search button on the right. Click ‘PIXMA IP2770/iP2772
  7. Type in ‘driver’ and search
  8. Click the printer driver and download the file

If you confuse, please click link below and download directly:

For Windows

  • Drivers Printer Canon IP2770 Windows XP, 7, 8, 8.1, 10 32/64 Bit Download (16.29 MB)

For MacOS

  • Drivers Printer Canon IP2770 for Mac OS X Download (14.49 MB)

How to Install Canon IP2770 Printer Driver

The next thing to do after downloading the driver file is to install it. The installation is easy as you will be guided by an automatic wizard. You just need to follow the instructions. The installation goes like this:

Read Also: Driver Epson L210

Note: Do not connect the IP2770 to the PC until the wizard prompts you to. Also, when it prompts you to connect the printer, be sure it is turned on

  1. Find the file that you just downloaded
  2. Open/run the file
  3. A wizard will then appear. Do whatever it instructs you and set the printer the way you want (how the printer driver updates, the port used for it, set it as the default printer, for example)
  4. Let the installation finish
  5. Run a test print and see if there is any error. If you install it properly, there shouldn’t be any error
  6. Done