Driver Epson L350

A printer may have lots of features. But without the proper driver to support it, the user might not be able to utilize it to the fullest. Of course, that applies to the Epson L350 printer as well. If you want to utilize this printer to the fullest, you will need to install driver Epson L350.

The Epson L350 is an all-in-one printer. It can be used as a printer, copier, and scanner. It also offers good performance at a lower price. Although the printing cost of the Epson L350 is ultra-low, its printing quality is excellent. We will show you how to download and install driver Epson L350 you can enjoy these.

Printers usually come with a disc that contains its driver inside. While the disc makes things easier, you don’t have to have it to install the driver Epson L350 as our guides below will show you. You do, however, need an internet connection to download the driver. How do you do it? Here’s how.

Download Driver Epson L350

driver epson l350

First, download the printer driver. To download the driver for the Epson L350, do the following

  1. Open your browser and go to Epson’s website (
  2. You should see a page with a list of countries divided based on the region. Find the country you reside in and click it
  3. A new Epson local page should appear. Click on the ‘Support’ tab
  4. Type in Epson L350 on the textbox and search
  5. Click on the appropriate search result. You should see ‘Epson L350’ at the top
  6. You will then land on the product’s page. This product page has not just the printer driver but also the scanner driver, other supporting software and documentation for the printer. In case you need any of these, you can always go to this page
  7. To download the printer driver, click ‘Drivers’ then ‘Printer Driver’

Note: Before you download, make sure that you select your PC’s Operating System on the dropdown menu. The page should detect it automatically. Check it to see if it is correct

Read Also: Download Driver Epson L360
  1. Click ‘Download’ then ‘Accept’. The file should be downloaded immediately
  2. Be sure that the file is downloaded before proceeding

Or, you can clink link below to dirrect download from the website:

For Windows
– Drivers Printer Epson L350 Windows XP, 7, 8, 8.1, 10 32 Bit Download (20.42 MB)
– Drivers Printer Epson L350 Windows XP, 7, 8, 8.1, 10 64 Bit Download (23.94 MB)

For MacOS
– Drivers Printer Epson L350 for Mac OS X Download (110.22 MB)

Download Driver Scanner Epson L350

– Drivers Scanner Epson L350 for Windows Download 19.83 MB
Drivers Scanner Epson L350 for Mac OS X Download  14.04 MB

How to Install Epson L350 Printer Driver

Once you have finished downloading the driver, you can install it immediately. The printer driver file should have a .exe format. So all you need to do to install it is just to run it. The installation goes more or less like this:

  1. Find the printer driver file that has been downloaded. Double left-click to run it
  2. You should see a wizard on your PC. It will help you through the entire installation process. Make sure you follow all of the instructions it gives you
  3. During the process of installation, the wizard will ask you some details such as whether to set the L350 printer as your default printer, what port it should use, automatic updates for the printer driver, and so on. Answer the way you want it to be
  4. Let the printer driver install
  5. Once the process is finished, try running a test print to see if there is any error