Epson L565: How to Download and Install Driver Free

Do you have an Epson L565 printer? Usually, a printer comes with a disc that contains the driver for it. The question is, what if you lost the disc? Can you still install the driver and make the printer work? The answer is yes, you can. Here, we will show you how to download and install driver Epson L565.

The Epson L565 is a multi-functional printer. Using it, you can print, scan, copy or fax whatever office needs that you have. However, you can’t make the most out of the multifunctional printer if you don’t have the appropriate driver. You must have driver Epson L565 for that.

Another amazing feature that the Epson L565 has is connectivity. It can be connected to a PC via a USB cable or a WiFi connection. The latter is especially useful if you don’t want to deal with tangled cables. Alright, without further ado, here is how you download and install driver Epson L565.

How to Download the Driver Epson L565/L566

download driver epson l565

To download the driver, please following link below:

For Windows

  • Drivers Printer Epson L565 Windows XP, 7, 8, 8.1, 10 32 Bit Download (24.46 MB)
  • Drivers Printer Epson L565 Windows XP, 7, 8, 8.1, 10 64 Bit Download (27.85 MB)

For MacOS

  • Drivers Printer Epson L565 for Mac OS X Download (110.22 MB)

Download Driver Scanner Epson L565/L566

  • Drivers Scanner Printer Epson L565 for Windows Download 26.79 MB
  • Drivers Scanner Printer Epson L565 for Mac OS X Download  18.25 MB
  • Download Remote Printer Driver L565 Series, L566 Series for MacOS Download 24.14 MB

Or, you want to download direct from website, please do the steps below to download the driver:

  1. Go to Epson official website
  2. Select your region
  3. Click the ‘Support’ tab
  4. You have three options to find the driver for your Epson L565 printer here
  • Option 1, type your printer type on the textbox and click ‘Search’
  • Option 2, click ‘Printers’ image just below the text box
  • Option 3, click ‘Epson Download Center’, find the driver there and download it directly

Note: Since you already know what your printer is, option 1 and option 3 are the most viable ways. Option 1 allows you not just to download a driver but also other supporting software as well. Option 3 is if you want a straight forward way to download the driver for your printer.

  1. Whichever option you choose, you will need to select the Operating System of your PC. Usually, the web page will detect it automatically. If it doesn’t, just select the appropriate OS
  2. Click on the ‘Drivers’ tab and you will see a list. Find ‘Printer Driver for (insert your OS here) and click the download button on the right

How to Install Driver Printer Epson L565

Installing the driver for Epson L565 is just as straightforward as downloading it. The installation process goes more or less like this:

Read Also: Driver Epson L3110

Note: Before you install the driver, don’t connect the printer to your PC. Until connect it to the PC after the installation wizard asks for it. When it does, turn ON the printer and plug it in

1. Find the driver file that you just downloaded from the official website The file should be in .exe format, which means it is executable.

2. Double click the file to execute it.

3. A wizard should appear. Just follow it through until the installation process is finished. You will be asked about several things like whether the printer will be the default printer, automatic driver update, the port for the printer and so on. Just fill the details according to your needs.

4. Wait and let the driver installs. It shouldn’t take long to finish.

5. Once it is finished, run a test print to see if your printer works as intended.