Helow, this is cekprinter here with another quick tutorial. And in today’s I’m gonna show you guys how to resolve if the Alt + F4 combination is not working on your Windows computer.
So if you’re trying to initiate the shut down menu or we’re trying to close and after one day that might be apparently a desktop, all for it definitely has many applications particularly to power users, so there’s one that made it click the toilet how do you go ahead and go about resolving that if you notice that this function key is giving you a hassle.
How to Fix Alt + F4 Not Working on Windows 10
So there are bios options that you could probably explore but that is going to be motherboard specific, there’s so many different ones out there if I put a BIOS video up I probably get a bunch of complaints from people saying that the options that I’m showing don’t match what theirs has and whatnot.

So I’m gonna show a more Universal fix for this tutorial but if it doesn’t resolve your problem you’re more than welcome to go ahead and look up your specific computer’s manufacturer online.
Go through the BIOS options that are applicable for your computer, so but hopefully this method should work I don’t want to discount it before we even begin. So let’s go ahead and jump right into it and start by opening up the Start menu, type in regedit , Regedit.
This man should go back a registry editor want to go ahead and right click on that and then select run as administrator. If you receive a user account control prompt you want to select yes. And now before you do anything the registry I would highly suggest that you create a backup of it so in case you mess something up you can always go back to a restored registry.
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So in order to do that it’s very simple go ahead and select the file tab left click on it and then select export, the filename just name it something that makes sense usually I would suggest a deed in which you’re making the backup and then save it to the mean location on your computer make sure export range is selected to all.
And then just click the Save button when you’re ready to confirm, so once you’ve made your backup you want to go expand the HP current user folder it’s either double click on it or left little little arrow next to to expand the drop down.
Now you want to go ahead and do the same for the software folders so go ahead and expand that. should be a folder is as Microsoft expand that one as well. Scroll down a little bit on this page or less thingy until you get to Windows go ahead double click on that.
Current version folder again all we’ve been doing you want to expand that folder and should be a policies folder a little bit further down on here. Expand that one as well and then finally there is an explorer folder appears right underneath that tree.
Now on the right side here you want to go right-click on a blank area, select new and then select d-word 32-bit value. Now this is very important here guys okay I’m gonna have it up on the screen in the video you can see it on the screen and I will also have text on the screen pretty big letters here so just make sure you type in exactly as it appears.
So type in no so NoWinKeys, please note there are no spaces in here at all so again no wind keys and once you have it exactly as it appears on my screen and that’s very important guys. Okay I always get people commenting about not working and whatnot I feel like people aren’t spelling this stuff right to be honest.
So once you have it as it appears hit enter and keyboard now you want to go ahead and double click on it, set your value data to zero, so it should automatically be zero hopefully if you just have to create it if the value is already in here you want to go ahead and double click on it and you’ll get greeted with the same prompt.
And just add value data at the zero, select ok once you’re done with that go ahead and close out of here and hopefully that should have been able to resolve your problem guys.
And as always thank you for reading and I do look forward you all in the next tutorial.