This is Cekprinter here with another quick tutorial. In today’s a drama see there’s how to hold yourself you’re coming across a windows feature error 0X800f0954, when you’re 10 minutes on that framework 3.5.
Fix .NET Framework 3.5 Error 0x800F0954
So this will hopefully be a pretty straightforward process you’re guys and without further or do let’s go ahead and jump right into it. So we’re gonna start by opening up the Start menu just go ahead and left on the start but one time, type in Regedit. Sorry to edit best master you come back a Registry Editor. You want to go ahead and right-click on that.

And then select Run as Administrator. If you receive the user account control prompt you want to off click on Yes, now on the left side here you want to select the file tab, and then select export, we just want to create a backup of a registry before we move forward if we ever needed to restore it.
And you just want to name the file name I mean can be whatever you want I typically would suggest naming it the deed in which you’re making that backup is the smartest choice in my mind, and then export range should be selected to all and save it to convenient location on your computer, everybody had then poured it back in just would do file import.
So pretty straightforward and once you’ve done your backup now you want to go expand the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE folder if you double click on it or left a little arrow next to it to expand the drop down.

If you want to do the same now for the software folder so again either double click or left a little arrow next to it. should be a policies folder under here expand that one as well.
Microsoft expand that, and it should be a Windows folder right here so again expand that one and it should be something now this is Windows Update in here. Go ahead and left click on that expand it as well, and you want to go and select the AU Folder under here so should say au. on the right side you want to go ahead and look for something that says Windows Update.
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.Now on the right side you want to look for something that says UserWUServer if you don’t see one in here you want to go ahead and right click in a blank spot.
So I new and then select string value you want to name this user, so you asked er and then capital UserWUserver capital s and server no spaces in between any of this no spaces in between any of this and then you want to hit enter in a keyboard and then you want a double pointing, and set the value down at the zero.

So just type the number zero in here and then left with one okay, once you’re done with that you can close out of the registry editor restart your computer and hopefully that’s resolved your problem.
So as always thank you guys for reading this brief tutorial. I do all in the next forward to catching you all in the next tutorial.